Passion, Art & Feng Shui

Michelle Kalman

Michelle Kalman

My Motivation

Helping you feel more comfortable, proud and happy with your surroundings brings me tremendous joy! Places powerfully impact our well being and productivity. It is deeply satisfying to know my contribution will bring greater clarity, balance, beauty and ease to your space, so it can better inspire and support your life.

Rearranging rooms has been an obsession of mine for decades. While many people consider the process overwhelming or drudgery, I think it's fun! Finding ways to make your things look, feel and function better brings out my best creativity. The challenge of using only the furniture and objects you already own engages my practical side. I like enabling you to appreciate your choices and feel confident about your taste.

My goal is to give you maximum transformation in minimal time. An efficient approach not only saves money, it creates magic. When momentum and intuition take the place of planning or over-thinking, fabulous possibilities arise and exciting outcomes happen! 

The same is true in my practice as an artist. Please read below about how my artwork relates to your space.


Art & Arrangement

I am an artist who makes sculpture. My forms are abstract and organic, with flowing lines and sensual gestures. Curators and collectors praise my work for its elegant combination of power and grace.

My artwork reflects the same sensibilities I bring to your space. To create beautiful art, I focus on harmony and flow -- the responsive way parts interact with each other to create a cohesive whole. Balance is also important, visually and physically, especially since some of my ceramic pieces reach over 6 feet and 800 pounds.

Experience and success working in three dimensions is the expertise I use to arrange your rooms. I am not a decorator with a vision to impose, or a designer selling products. I am an artist with a refined sense of harmony, flow, balance and movement through space -- all key elements in making your home or workplace look beautiful, function effectively, and feel fantastic!

Please take a look at my art:

"Reveal" by Michelle Kalman (clay 34"h x 22"w x 22"d)

"Reveal" by Michelle Kalman (clay 34"h x 22"w x 22"d)

"Water Birth" by Michelle Kalman (watercolor 36"h x 48"w canvas)

"Water Birth" by Michelle Kalman (watercolor 36"h x 48"w canvas)

Feng Shui 

I have studied and practiced the basic principles of Feng Shui for over 20 years. The ancient system is based on the premise that everything in your surroundings can help or hinder your success in life, health, wealth and happiness. The concepts of Chi Energy, Yin and Yang, the Five Elements and the Eight Directions often guide my choices for changing spaces in very practical ways.

During your visit you may hear me reference the flow of energy through a room, or say how one object feels more active than another. Sometimes we may talk about balancing an abundance of wood with a vase of water or blue pillows. If you mention struggles with money or relationships, we may look at particular areas of a room according to Feng Shui classifications.

Ultimately, how much we explicitly apply or discuss Feng Shui depends on your comfort and interest. What matters most is how the changes we make look and feel to you, and how they positively impact your life!